Top 5 Challenges For Manufacturing Supervisors: #5 Proposals

Manufacturing supervisor effectiveness has a major impact on the success of a business. At a shift-level, department-level,...

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What Comes First: The Lean or The Culture?

Does culture come before lean or does lean come before culture? It’s kind of a chicken or egg kind of question. Having implemented...

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Loving the PDCA Cycle

Love may be a strong word for a continuous improvement tool, but in this case, it is warranted. So what do I really love about the PDCA...

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Establishing Lean Culture

Moving the Culture Forward - Stay the course with Lean

In the beginning steps of your lean journey, not everyone will be on board and...

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Do you have a Self-Promoting Peer?

Workplace competition occurs an employee's primary objective is self-promotion with their ultimate goal being career advancement. For...

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Why Do Some Departments Just Perform Better?

Why do some departments perform better? When you walk around to the different departments within your manufacturing plant or your...

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7 Awesome Things About Being a Manufacturing Leader

What makes manufacturing leadership such a fun and dynamic career?

  1. Developing Employees: When a leader provides an environment that is...
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